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Type of Product Medical Device
TGA Recall Reference RC-2017-RN-00921-1
Product Name/Description illumigene Malaria Kit. An in vitro diagnostic medical device (IVD).

Catalogue Number: 280925

Kit Lot Numbers:

Expiry: 23 August 2017
Component involved: 2824.005

Expiry: 23 August 2017
Component involved: 2824.006

Expiry: 24 July 2018
Component involved: 2824.008

Expiry: 24 July 2018
Component involved: 2824.009

Expiry: 19 June 2018
Component involved: 2824.007

ARTG Number: 277788
Recall Action Level Hospital
Recall Action Classification Class III
Recall Action Commencement Date 8/08/2017
Responsible Entity Bioline Aust Pty Ltd
Reason/Issue The manufacturer Meridian has discovered that the Sample Preparation Apparatus IV is susceptible to evaporation over the shelf life, causing low volume of the liquid reagent. Post-market studies indicate that this component may not be stable through to the labelled expiration date due to this evaporation. Internal testing by Meridian has confirmed that the use of a low volume Sample Preparation Apparatus component will result in an invalid test result.
At this time, there is no indication that valid test results are impacted, and previously reported patient results require no additional action.
Recall Action Recall
Recall Action Instructions Meridian is requesting customers:
1. Identify existing inventory of Kit Lots 280925H009, 280925H010, 280925J011, 280925J013, and 280925J015;
2. Contact Bioline directly, as necessary, for replacement product;
3. Complete and return the supplied Customer Response Form to Bioline; and
4. Upon receipt of replacement product, segregate and destroy remaining inventory of Kit Lots 280925H009, 280925H010, 280925J011, 280925J013, and 280925J015.

All kit components should be discarded in accordance with local regulations.

This action has been closed out on 17/10/2018
Contact Information 02 9209 4180 - Bioline Australia