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Type of Product Medical Device
TGA Recall Reference RC-2017-RN-00562-1
Product Name/Description ARCHITECT Free T4 Reagent. An in vitro diagnostic medical device (IVD)

List Numbers: 7K65-29 (100 Test Kit), 7K65-34 (2000 Test Kit) and 7K65-39 (500 Test Kit)

Multiple Lot Numbers

ARTG Number: 180112
Recall Action Level Hospital
Recall Action Classification Class II
Recall Action Commencement Date 2/05/2017
Responsible Entity Abbott Australasia Pty Ltd Diagnostic Division
Reason/Issue Abbott Diagnostics is providing information regarding a change of measuring interval for the ARCHITECT Free T4 assay list numbers 7K65-29, 7K65-34 and 7K65-39.

The current measuring interval is 0.40 ng/dL (5.15 pmol/L) to 6.00 ng/dL (77.22 pmol/L).

Recent data generated by Abbott have determined that the measuring interval is 0.40 ng/dL (5.15 pmol/L) to 5.00 ng/dL (64.35 pmol/L). This new measuring range will be included in a future version of the instructions for use and the new FT4 assay file.

There is no impact to patient results with values between 0.40 ng/dl (5.15 pmol/L) and 5.0 ng/dl (64.35 pmol/L). Only the measuring interval between 5.00 – 6.00 ng/dL (64.35 – 77.22 pmol/L) is affected.
Recall Action Recall for Product Correction
Recall Action Instructions Abbott is advising users that patient sample results between 5.00 ng/dL (64.35 pmol/L) and 6.00 ng/dL (77.22pmol/L) should be reported as >5.00 ng/dL (64.35pmol/L). In addition, the customer letter should be reviewed with the laboratory’s management for potential impact specific to laboratory procedures such as internal ranges.

This action has been closed out on 08/08/2019
Contact Information 1800 816 696 - Abbott Customer Support