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Type of Product Medical Device
TGA Recall Reference RC-2016-RN-01658-1
Product Name/Description Rosa One 3.1
(Surgical robot for spine and brain surgeries)

Item Number: ROSA00208

Serial Number: BS16001

ARTG Number: 278903
Recall Action Level Hospital
Recall Action Classification Class I
Recall Action Commencement Date 9/06/2017
Responsible Entity Surgicom Pty Ltd
Reason/Issue Two software issues have been identified with the Rosa One 3.1.

1. Specific to Spinal Surgery application - A product complaint was received by the manufacturer that indicated a risk for robot collision. When driving the robot arm in a surgical procedure, the robot arm comes too close to the robot stand, which leads to the possiblity of colliding with the stand. This issue was further observed during multiple attempts to enable the function "clear the arm (cooperative mode)". The Rosanna Spine software (version was identified as non-conforming to the release design.

2. Specific to Brain Surgery application - Part of the Rosa One 3.1 Mario software (robot arm software) related to safety in the "cooperative mode" is currently deactivated. The risk of unwanted robot motion with an instrument into the anatomy is mitigated by this software measure.

To date, their have been no injuries reported due to these issues.
Recall Action Recall for Product Correction
Recall Action Instructions Software corrections for the Rosa One 3.1 will be performed on site. The Rosanna Spine software correction has occured. Until the Mario software for the brain application is modifed, usage of the device is to be limited to the spine application only. This action has been closed-out on 09/06/2017.
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