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Type of Product Medical Device
TGA Recall Reference RC-2016-RN-01529-1
Product Name/Description Laerdal Compact Suction Unit 4 (LCSU 4)
(portable suction unit intended for field and transport use)

LCSU 4, 300ml Complete unit
Item Number: 88006140

LCSU 4, 800ml Complete unit
Item Number: 88005140

Units manufactured from 1 May 2015 to 28 October 2016 that do not have 'RW' on label

ARTG Number: 205931
Recall Action Level Consumer
Recall Action Classification Class II
Recall Action Commencement Date 24/11/2016
Responsible Entity Laerdal Pty Ltd
Reason/Issue Laerdal Medical has become aware of a problem related to the On/Off functionality of the LCSU 4. The On/Off functionality is controlled by electronic components and one of these components might be damaged. The damage occurs over time when the unit is connected to a power source (battery or external power source), but is not related to frequency of use. A damaged component will result in failure of the On/Off functionality whereby the LCSU 4 cannot be turned off, and it may turn on by itself. The unit can be turned off by removing the battery or the external power source.
Recall Action Recall
Recall Action Instructions Laedral will be providing replacement units. In the interim, Laedral is advising users to perform a test to identify if their unit has failing On/Off functionality, by turning the unit on then turning it off again. If the unit cannot be turned off using the On/Off button, the unit contains a damaged component and the device should be taken out of service. If the unit passes the test, the device can continue to be used until the replacement unit is received, but the following extra safety measures should be implemented:
- Store the LCSU 4 unit without the battery connected.
- Perform routine checks of the On/Off functionality by turning the unit on and off using the On/Off button.
If the On/Off functionality fails during clinical use, the unit can continue to be used so long as it has power. The unit can be turned off by removing the battery or the external power source.
Contact Information 1800 331 565 - Laerdal