Print version of this report
Type of Product Medical Device
TGA Recall Reference RC-2016-RN-01156-1
Product Name/Description Pennine Healthcare Ryles Tubes (used for enteral feeding)

Multiple products affected

Product Codes: RT-2008/L, RT-2010/L, RT-2012/L, RT-2014/L, RT-2016/L, RT-2018/L, RT-2314, RT-2316

All Lot Numbers affected

ARTG Number: 144359
Recall Action Level Hospital
Recall Action Classification Class II
Recall Action Commencement Date 12/09/2016
Responsible Entity Bosco Medical Australia
Reason/Issue Bosco Medical Australia Pty Ltd have been notified by the manufacturer that there is a possibility that a tube could have the print graduations running the wrong way, i.e. they decrease with distance from the tip of the tube, when the correct orientation is that the numbers increase with distance from the tip of the tube. There is the potential for misplacement of the tubes if the print graduations are used as the sole means for confirming the placement of the Ryles tube.
Recall Action Recall for Product Correction
Recall Action Instructions Bosco Medical is advising users to inspect the graduations of the tubes prior to insertion. If affected product is found, replace with unaffected product and contact Bosco for credit or replacement.

This action has been closed out on 27/03/2024
Contact Information 1800 026 726 - Bosco Medical Australia