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Type of Product Medical Device
TGA Recall Reference RC-2016-RN-00190-1
Product Name/Description Conceiveplease One Step HCG Urine Pregnancy test
(Included in ConceivePlease Kits)

Batch Number: 20131203
Expiry Date: 12 September 2016

ARTG Number: 212074
Recall Action Level Consumer
Recall Action Classification Class II
Recall Action Commencement Date 23/02/2016
Responsible Entity Conceiveplease Pty Ltd
Reason/Issue The testing undertaken by the TGA for the above batch of ConceivePlease One Step HCG Urine Pregnancy test has shown that this batch does not comply with the claim in the Instructions for Use which specify that "ln less than 5 minutes, levels of hCG as low as 25mlU/ml can be detected".

Batch 20131203 failed to detect hCG in human urine at concentrations of 10 and 25mIU/mL levels. False negative results in the worst case can result in misdiagnosis, which can have significant consequences. The TGA is undertaking further investigations to ascertain if any further actions are required.
Recall Action Recall
Recall Action Instructions Please note that ConceivePlease Pty Ltd has advised the TGA that only fewer than 100 kits from the affected batch were supplied to retailers during a three week period, from 21 January to 11 February 2016. Customers are advised to quarantine any unused stock from the affected batch and return them to the place of purchase for a refund. For more information please see . This action has been closed-out on 19/01/2017.
Contact Information 02 8999 8060 - Conceive Please
02 4655 8855 - Health Direction