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Type of Product Medical Device
TGA Recall Reference RC-2016-RN-00181-1
Product Name/Description Sureclip and Sureclip Plus Haemostasis Clips (Gastrointestinal endotherapy clip applier)

Hemoclip 90 degree/5mm/12mm(max) rotatable/relocatable (x10/box)
Product Code: ROCC-D-26-230-C
Lot Number: 150625231
Expiry Date: 24/06/2018

Hemoclip 90 degree/8mm/17mm(max) rotatable/relocatable (x10/box)
Product Code: ROCC-F-26-230-C
Lot Number: 151115231
Expiry Date: 15/11/2018

ARTG Number: 261692
Recall Action Level Hospital
Recall Action Classification Class II
Recall Action Commencement Date 15/02/2016
Responsible Entity CK Surgitech Pty Ltd
Reason/Issue CK Surgitech has been notified of an incident concerning one of the above products. The device proved hard to fire, and upon deployment, detached a 10cm piece of wire that was removed through the scope with biopsy forceps. There is a risk of tissue puncture as a result of the issue.

As a result, CK Surgitech is recalling both the standard Sureclip and the Sureclip Plus until investigations have been undertaken.
Recall Action Recall
Recall Action Instructions CK Surgitech is advising users to inspect stock and quarantine affected units. Affected stock will be replaced or an alternative product supplied.
Contact Information 07 5537 1147 - CK Surgitech