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Type of Product Medical Device
TGA Recall Reference RC-2015-RN-00728-1
Product Name/Description BD Vacutainer Eclipse Signal Blood Collection Needle with Integrated Holder 21G & 22G.

Catalogue Number : 368835

Lot/Batch Numbers
4302105 4266252
4302106 4276343
4346490 4344023
4252010 5041109
4259413 5072433

Catalogue Number :368836

Lot/Batch Numbers
4268488 4346068
4302103 5027368

ARTG Number: 128397
Recall Action Level Hospital
Recall Action Classification Class II
Recall Action Commencement Date 11/08/2015
Responsible Entity Becton Dickinson Pty Ltd
Reason/Issue BD has become aware that some lots of the BD Vacutainer Eclipse Signal Blood Collection Needle with Integrated Holder (Catalogue Numbers 368835 and 368836) have the potential for the integrated holder to become detached from the needle. This detachment can lead to possible sample collection failure, and in exceptional circumstances, have the potential to cause a needle stick injury.

The manufacturer has estimated that the frequency of this failure mode is 0.198%.
Recall Action Recall for Product Correction
Recall Action Instructions BD is providing instructions to allow the continued use the Vacutainer Eclipse Signal Blood Collection Needle with Integrated Holder:

- Prior to use, ensure that the pink Eclipse Shield is positioned over the green or black needle cover.
Grasp the needle cover and pink Eclipse Shield together and the holder in the other hand and pressing firmly down on the pink Eclipse Shield pull in a straight direction. Do not bend the device whilst pulling.
- If the holder becomes detached, dispose of the device in an appropriate sharps collector. This action has been closed-out on 17/08/2016.
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