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Type of Product Medical Device
TGA Recall Reference RC-2015-RN-00355-1
Product Name/Description V-Sign Sensor

Serial numbers: 315.592, 315.593, 315.595 & 315.596
Recall Action Level Hospital
Recall Action Classification Class II
Recall Action Commencement Date 1/05/2015
Responsible Entity Temple Healthcare Pty Ltd
Reason/Issue Based on high customer complaint rates SenTec has identified three production batches of V-Sign Sensors where the PCO2-measuring element shows signs of pre-mature aging; in some cases already after 4 to 11.5 months of use resulting in loss of PCO2-monitoring function.

This action was undertaken prior to notifying TGA.
Recall Action Recall
Recall Action Instructions Temple Helathcare (local SenTec distributor) is contacting all the affected customers and replacing the sensor free of charge in return for the affected sensor. This action has been closed-out on 15/02/2016.
Contact Information Temple Heathcare - 02 4858 0690