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Type of Product Medical Device
TGA Recall Reference RC-2015-RN-00199-1
Product Name/Description Persona Trabecular Metal Tibial Plate, all sizes

Part Numbers:
42-5300-064-01, 42-5300-067-01, 42-5300-071-01, 42-5300-075-01, 42-5300-079-01, 42-5300-083-01, 42-5300-088-01, 42-5300-064-02, 42-5300-067-02, 42-5300-071-02, 42-5300-075-02, 42-5300-079-02, 42-5300-083-02 & 42-5300-088-02

ARTG number: 222393
Recall Action Level Hospital
Recall Action Classification Class II
Recall Action Commencement Date 18/03/2015
Responsible Entity Zimmer Pty Ltd
Reason/Issue Zimmer is initiating a hazard alert for the Persona Trabecular Metal™ Tibial Plate as the current complaint rate (0.61%) for radiolucent lines and loosening is higher than Zimmer’s expectations and experience based on Zimmer’s similar devices

Out of the 0.61% complaints received, 36% identified symptomatic radiolucent lines or were revised for loosening, 28% identified asymptomatic radiolucencies, 8% subsided, and 28% were inconclusive. Aseptic loosening of cementless tibial implant components is one of the most prevalent causes for revision in total knee arthroplasty and a number of factors may contribute to the loosening failure mode, including patient characteristics, rehabilitation protocol and compliance, surgical technique, and product features. There have been no revisions or reports of radiolucency lines or loosening in Australia.
Recall Action Hazard Alert
Recall Action Instructions Surgeons are advised to follow-up with patients implanted with Persona Trabecular Metal Tibial Plate and also continue their normal post-operative follow -up routine.

For additional information please see . This action has been closed-out on 18/07/2016,
Contact Information 02 9483 5400 - Zimmer