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Type of Product Medical Device
TGA Recall Reference RC-2014-RN-00989-1
Product Name/Description Optional PS500 External Power Supply Unit Used in connection with Dräger V Series Ventilators

Models: Infinity V500; Babylog VN500; Evita V300

ARTG Number: 158739
Recall Action Level Hospital
Recall Action Classification Class I
Recall Action Commencement Date 15/09/2014
Responsible Entity Draeger Medical Australia Pty Ltd
Reason/Issue Draeger has advised that in some cases in which the battery capacity of the optional PS500 Power Supply Unity of the Infinity ACS Workstation Critical Care (Evita Infinity V500) has reduced unexpectedly. The batteries in the PS500 were discharged prematurely, even though adequate battery charge status was displayed on the device. As a consequence of this, Draeger published a safety alert in February 2014, as well as a safety recall and the suspension of deliveries for devices using the PS500.
Recall Action Recall for Product Correction
Recall Action Instructions All PS500 Power Supply Units currently in use are in the process of being upgraded by the Dräger Service Engineers free of charge. A service-charging algorithm will be implemented, which prevents the problem of sulfation of the batteries, which was identified as a main reason for the reduction of the PS500 battery capacity.
Contact Information 03 9244 7248 - Drager Medical