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Type of Product Medical Device
TGA Recall Reference RC-2014-RN-00788-1
Product Name/Description National Workplace First Aid Kit & Sports & Outdoors First Aid Kit

National Workplace First Aid Kit
Batch number: 20121214D-WP-L
Expiry date: 01/2016

Sports & Outdoors First Aid Kit
Batch number: 20121214C-S&O
Expiry date: 01/2016

ARTG number: 172274
Recall Action Level Retail
Recall Action Classification Class II
Recall Action Commencement Date 15/07/2014
Responsible Entity CIP Medical Supplies T/A Caseinpoint Pty Ltd
Reason/Issue It has recently come to Case In Point's attention that some items in the First Aid Kits you purchased under The First Aid Factory brand in the last 12 months contain items labelled as being sterile when they are actually not sterile. This occurred due to a manufacturing error. This issue is unlikely to pose any risk to health, however there is a theoretical risk that the use of an un-sterile wound dressing on an immunocompromised patient could result in an infection. There have been no reports of injuries or adverse events related to this issue.
Recall Action Recall
Recall Action Instructions Case In Point is recalling the affected kits. Customers returning the affected items for replacement are requested to complete the returns form attached and include the returned items in the prepaid post bag provided with the returns form and send to The First Aid Factory within the next 30 days. Customers returning the affected items for are requested to complete the returns form attached and include the complete first aid kit or refill pack, with the returns form in the prepaid post bag provided and send to The First Aid Factory within the next 30 days. This action has been closed-out on 04/08/2016.
Contact Information 1300 280 990 - Case In Point Pty Ltd