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Type of Product Medical Device
TGA Recall Reference RC-2014-RN-00655-1
Product Name/Description HeartSineTechnologies Pad-Pak/ Pedi-Pak (contains non-rechargeable battery and defibrillation electrodes for use with the HeartSine Samaritan PAD 350P and 500P Defibrillators)

Lot Numbers: A1754, A1795, A1792, A1789, A1802

ARTG Numbers: 161839 (Adult Pad-Pak) and 161841 (Paediatric Pedi-Pak)
Recall Action Level Wholesale
Recall Action Classification Class III
Recall Action Commencement Date 18/06/2014
Responsible Entity Aero Healthcare
Reason/Issue During testing at HeartSine Technologies Ltd, an issue has been detected with the seal on the foil pouch which contains the electrodes within the Pad-Pak and Pedi-Pak. On a small number, the final seal on the defibrillation electrode pouch was found to be difficult to open. The investigation identified that the supplier of the electrodes to HeartSine Technologies Ltd had made a change to the manufacturing process which meant that an excessive amount of hot melt glue was applied to the final seal of the pouches.
Recall Action Recall
Recall Action Instructions Aero Healthcare is advising that all the affected units are within the control of the distributors. The distributors are advised that the affected units should be placed in quarantine to await collection by Aero Healthcare.
Contact Information 02 6776 7200 - Aero Healthcare