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Type of Product Medical Device
TGA Recall Reference RC-2014-RN-00493-1
Product Name/Description Injectomat Agilia Range (Std, MC & TIVA), Volumat Agilia Range (Std & MC)
Recall Action Level Hospital
Recall Action Classification Class II
Recall Action Commencement Date 18/07/2014
Responsible Entity Fresenius Kabi Australia Pty Limited
Reason/Issue Frensenius Kabi initiated a software upgrade due to three incident reports concerning three different issues:

Injectomat and Volumat pumps:
1. The PDMS from Picis implemented an unexpected high number of connection/disconection requests resulting in a "Watchdog" error message.
2. If the user configured the Vigilant Drug Lib software with a drug with fixed dilutions, the selection on the pump of this drug as a first step then followed by the selection of 'Drug X in mL/hr' as a second step could result in the display of a technical error.

Concerning Injectomat pumps:
3. In a high vibration environment, for example close to the warming device, the syringe installation check sensor signal can be unstablepotentially triggering a technical error (n-deg 23).

This action was undertaken prior to notifying the TGA.
Recall Action Recall for Product Correction
Recall Action Instructions Fresenius Kabi has updated the software of all affected Injectomat and Volumat devices.
Contact Information 02 9391 5590 - Fresenius Kabi Australia