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Type of Product Medical Device
TGA Recall Reference RC-2014-RN-00345-1
Product Name/Description Sidhil Inspiration Cot

Product Code: 9003

ARTG Number: 167177
Recall Action Level Hospital
Recall Action Classification Class I
Recall Action Commencement Date 9/05/2014
Responsible Entity Midmed Pty Ltd
Reason/Issue Following a period during which an active child had been left unattended in a 9003 Inspiration cot the child was found by a consultancy paediatrician with his top wrapped around his head with the clothing hanging from the cots latch mechanism. The child had lifted up the tubing/cable access latch, which is located on the top rail at the head or foot end of the cot and managed to get his sleeve caught on the latch. Upon trying to free himself the child managed to free his arms but was left with his clothing wrapped around his head, with the clothing still being caught on the top of the cot via the latch. The child was freed and no injuries were sustained.
Recall Action Recall for Product Correction
Recall Action Instructions Midmed is replacing the cable access cot ends with standard cot ends for all cots not used in critical care/intensive care.
Contact Information 1300 643 633 - Midmed Pty Ltd