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Type of Product
Medical Device
TGA Recall Reference
Product Name/Description
STERRAD 100S Cassettes
Product Code: 10113
Lot Numbers; 13I038, 13I046, 13I071, 13I072, 13I077, 13I078, 13I083, 13I084, 13I090, 13I121, 13K003, 13K074, 13K105, 13L021, 14A030 & 14A031
ARTG Number: 123602
Recall Action Level
Recall Action Classification
Class III
Recall Action Commencement Date
Responsible Entity
Johnson & Johnson Medical Pty Ltd
The manufacturer, ASP has identified that the misaligned barcodes may cause the cassette to be slightly out of position. The barcode on the STERRAD 100S Cassette is used to register the position of the cassette in the sterilizer. An out of position cassette may cause the first cycle on that cassette to cancel, or in extreme cases may cause the injection needles used to remove hydrogen peroxide from the STERRAD 100S Cassette to be damaged. The position of the barcode on the affected lots is variable and the probability of resulting damage to the injection needles is low.
Recall Action
Recall Action Instructions
Johnson & Johnson Medical is advising users to continue to use current stock until a replacement product has been provided. Affected stock can be returned to Johnson & Johnson Medical once unaffected stock has been received. This action has been closed-out on 12/02/2016.
Contact Information
1800 883 771 - ASP Field Service Engineer