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Type of Product Medical Device
TGA Recall Reference RC-2014-RN-00157-1
Product Name/Description 550 TxT Treatment Table used with PRIMUS, ONCOR and ARTISTE Digital Linear Accelerators

Catalogue number: 7346534

ARTG number: 165502
Recall Action Level Hospital
Recall Action Classification Class II
Recall Action Commencement Date 12/02/2014
Responsible Entity Siemens Ltd
Reason/Issue It has come to Siemens attention that it is possible for patients or operators to have their fingers trapped and pinched between the table top and the bottom frame of the 550 TxT Treatment Table.
Secondly the manufacturer has received a report on an incident in which a cable inside the 550 TxT Treatment Table has been damaged due to contacting a moving part. This resulted in a short circuit which overheated an electronic circuit board inside the table base.
Recall Action Recall for Product Correction
Recall Action Instructions Siemens is advising users that the affected treatment tables will be modified to increase the gap between the table top and the base frame to more than 25mm to prevent fingers being trapped or pinched.
Siemens will also be modifying the cable routing inside the patient table base in order to ensure the affected cable cannot contact moving parts.
Contact Information 1800 310 300 - Siemens Technical Support Centre