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Type of Product Medical Device
TGA Recall Reference RC-2013-RN-01318-1
Product Name/Description AQURE Data Management System, Version 1.54. An in vitro diagnostic medical device (IVD)
Recall Action Level Hospital
Recall Action Classification Class I
Recall Action Commencement Date 13/12/2013
Responsible Entity Radiometer Pacific Pty Ltd
Reason/Issue Results which are repressed on the analyser are shown in AQURE version 1.5.4 and forwarded to the HIS/LIS. Repression means that values flagged with errors (marked with "?") are not displayed on the analyser. The repressed results are forwarded to AQURE and flagged, but dependant on the settings of the hospital IT, the result may not be flagged in HIS/LIS. The problem is present when the user has enabled the option 'repress results' on the analyser and uses AQURE version 1.5.4.
The results may not be flagged in HIS/LIS and the user will therefore not be aware that the result may be incorrect. Patient treatment or diagnosis could therefore be based on an incorrect result.

An example:
The ABL90 analyser did not give a Cl- result due to the error 1227 "Correction for bicarbonate contains errors from pH, PCO2". However the chloride result was displayed in the following way:
On the analyser: blank (no value) and "?"
AQURE: 100mmol/L with "?" and highlighted red
HIS/LIS: 100mmol/L
Recall Action Recall for Product Correction
Recall Action Instructions Radiometer is configuring the database of the AQURE system to ensure that all "?" marked results are blanked in AQURE and prior to transmitting to the HIS/LIS. Radiometer recommends a review of previous patient results with repressed parameter values in AQURE and HIS/LIS.
Contact Information 1800 247 254 - Radiometer Pacific