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Type of Product Medical Device
TGA Recall Reference RC-2013-RN-00769-1
Product Name/Description VariVac InLine Adjustable Vacuum Wound Drainage System with bottle

Model Number: VL400-02
ARTG Number 153652
Recall Action Level Hospital
Recall Action Classification Class II
Recall Action Commencement Date 29/07/2013
Responsible Entity International Medical Research Pty Ltd
Reason/Issue It has been reported that a wound drainage bottle from a VariVac wound drainage set was found to be cracked or split through the green connector on the top of the bottle reservoir causing a loss in vacuum in the bottle reservoir.

This recall action was carried out prior to approval of the recall strategy by the TGA.
Recall Action Recall for Product Correction
Recall Action Instructions All affected InLine products have returned to the distributor.
Contact Information 08 9244 2840 - International Medical Research