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Type of Product Medical Device
TGA Recall Reference RC-2013-RN-00088-2
Product Name/Description ISOLINE 2CR6 and 2CT6 Implantable Defibrillation Leads

Previous ARTG numbers (cancelled in Nov 2011) : 165673, 165674
Multiple serial numbers
Recall Action Level Hospital
Recall Action Classification Class I
Recall Action Commencement Date 31/01/2013
Responsible Entity Sorin Group Australia
Reason/Issue As of December 31, 2012, 30 cases of internal insulation breach under the RV or SVC defibrillation coil have been confirmed by the analysis conducted on returned products. In each of the 30 identified cases, the internal insulation breach of the silicone lumen was observed under the RV and/or SVC defibrillation coil, i.e. where the microcables are not coated with ETFE, resulting in a contact between the conductors, thus leading to low pacing impedance and/or ventricular oversensing, and/or inappropriate therapy. It should be noted that in case of ventricular oversensing, pacing is inhibited.
Recall Action Hazard Alert
Recall Action Instructions Sorin Group Australia is issuing a 'Hazard Alert' letter to implanting/ treating clinicians and hospitals detailing the issues and how to manage the affected patients. The TGA has published a web statement regarding the issues. For more information, please see .
Contact Information 1800 452 650 - Sorin Group