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Type of Product Medical Device
TGA Recall Reference RC-2012-RN-00708-3
Product Name/Description GemStar Docking Station (Used as an alternate power source for the GemStar pump and to charge a GemStar battery pack)

List Numbers: 13075.1 and 13075.3 (2003 - 2006); 13075-24-03, 13075-24-05 & 13075-24-07 (2006 - 2011)

ARTG Number: 138118
Recall Action Level Hospital
Recall Action Classification Class I
Recall Action Commencement Date 26/07/2012
Responsible Entity Hospira Pty Limited
Reason/Issue This is an update to Hospira’s previous Safety Alert Notice (TGA Ref # RC-2011-RN-00812-3) concerning the GemStar Docking Station. At that time, Hospira had received reports from customers of sparking, smoking, charring and electrical shock when using the GemStar Docking Station. Hospira’s investigation concluded that the primary root cause was related to the potential for fluid ingress into the docking station. The design improvements have now been finalised and Hospira is replacing all existing docking stations with the new design.
Recall Action Recall
Recall Action Instructions Customers to advise Sponsor of the number of docking stations held and they will be replaced with the newly designed units.
Contact Information 1300 046 774 - Hospira Customer Service