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Type of Product Medical Device
TGA Recall Reference RC-2024-RN-00604-1
Product Name/Description VITROS Immunodiagnostic Products. An in vitro diagnostic medical device (IVD).

VITROS Immunodiagnostic Products Folate Reagent Pack 1/2
Product Code: 1513266 (10758750009237)

VITROS Immunodiagnostic Products Vitamin B12/Folate Reagent Pack 3
Product Code: 1142561 (10758750008476)

VITROS Immunodiagnostic Products Red Cell Folate Pack
Product Code: 1107804 (10758750008407)

ARTG 200533
(Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Australia Pty Ltd - Clinical chemistry vitamin and mineral IVDs)
Recall Action Level Hospital
Recall Action Classification Class II
Recall Action Commencement Date 18/07/2024
Responsible Entity Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Australia Pty Ltd
Reason/Issue QuidelOrtho investigated customer complaints regarding generation of condition code “TM5-4MA” or “TM5-4MB” when testing the VITROS Folate on VITROS 3600 Immunodiagnostic Systems and VITROS 5600/XT 7600 Integrated Systems.

It was confirmed that fibrinogen in patient plasma samples precipitates out of solution upon addition of folate stabiliser reagent as part of the pre-treatment process which takes place in the MicroWell incubator middle ring.

Plasma from patients with elevated fibrinogen levels may be predisposed to causing “TM5-4MA” or “TM5-4MB” condition codes.
Recall Action Product Defect Correction
Recall Action Instructions Customers are to do the following:
· If retesting the sample leads to subsequent “TM5-4MA” or “TM5-4MB” condition codes, it may not be possible to generate a result with this sample on the VITROS 3600 Immunodiagnostic Systems or VITROS 5600/XT 7600 Integrated Systems.
· Use serum samples instead of plasma if repeat “TM5-4MA” or “TM5-4MB” condition codes are noted with a particular patient plasma sample.
Contact Information 1800 032 359 - Technical Services Center