The medicine shortage reports database includes information about shortages of reportable medicines in Australia, including those arising from the discontinuation of products.

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Information in this database is based on details reported to us by sponsors. Any additional management actions taken by us will be clearly stated.

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fytic acid

calcium chloride dihydrate

potassium hydrogen phthalate

RADPHARM COLLOID kit for the preparation of Technetium(99mTc) calcium phytate injection composite pack

AUST R: 14332

Expected supply: 31 Dec 2026

Availability: Unavailable

Management action: An unregistered product has been approved for supply under Section 19A. Please contact the approval holder for details on supply: Global Medical Solutions Australia Pty Limited T/A Radpharm Scientific - Ph: 02 9503 8100

Updated: 02-01-2024

phenoxybenzamine hydrochloride

DIBENYLINE phenoxybenzamine hydrochloride 10mg capsule jar

AUST R: 12980

Expected supply: 30 Jun 2025

Availability: Unavailable

Management action: The sponsor is working to expedite the next shipment. An unregistered product has been approved for supply under Section 19A. See the website: and search for the active ingredient.

Updated: 07-05-2024

honey bee venom

ALBEY BEE VENOM honey bee venom 550 microgram powder for injection vial with 4 vials of Albumin saline diluent

AUST R: 161298

Expected supply: 31 May 2025

Availability: Unavailable

Management action: An unregistered product has been approved for supply under Section 19A. See the website: and search for the active ingredient

Updated: 29-03-2023

Paper wasp venom

ALBEY PAPER WASP VENOM paper wasp venom 550 microgram powder for injection vial with 4 vials of Albumin saline diluent

AUST R: 18695

Expected supply: 31 May 2025

Availability: Unavailable

Management action: An unregistered product has been approved for supply under Section 19A. See the website: and search for the active ingredient

Updated: 29-03-2023

Vespula spp venom

ALBEY YELLOW JACKET VENOM vespula spp venom 550 microgram powder for injection vial with 4 vials of Albumin Saline Diluent

AUST R: 18770

Expected supply: 31 May 2025

Availability: Unavailable

Management action: An unregistered product has been approved for supply under Section 19A. See the website: and search for the active ingredient

Updated: 29-03-2023

Mycobacterium bovis (Bacillus Calmette and Guerin (BCG) strain)

ONCOTICE BCG 5 hundred million CFU powder for injection vial

AUST R: 59912

Expected supply: 31 Dec 2024

Availability: Limited Availability

Management action: An unregistered product has been approved for supply under Section 19A. See the website: and search for the active ingredient

Updated: 07-03-2022

bleomycin sulfate

CIPLA BLEOMYCIN 15K bleomycin sulfate 15000 IU powder for injection vial

AUST R: 220440

Expected supply: 31 Mar 2024

Availability: Unavailable

Management action: An alternative brand is available

Updated: 03-10-2023


SYNACTHEN DEPOT tetracosactide (tetracosactrin) zinc complex 1mg/1m L injection ampoule

AUST R: 11060

Expected supply: 30 Nov 2026

Availability: Unavailable

Updated: 31-10-2023

hydralazine hydrochloride

HYDRALAZINE LINK hydralazine hydrochloride 20 mg/1 mL solution for injection vial

AUST R: 272644

Expected supply: Unknown

Availability: Unavailable

Management action: Alternative brand available

Updated: 28-03-2023


VORCON voriconazole 200 mg powder for injection vial

AUST R: 235933

Expected supply: 15 Aug 2024

Availability: Unavailable

Management action: Alternative generic products are available.

Updated: 25-06-2024

Updated: 11-06-2024

adrenaline (epinephrine) acid tartrate

lidocaine hydrochloride

XYLOCAINE 0.5% WITH ADRENALINE 1:200,000 20mL injection vial

AUST R: 12008

Expected supply: 31 Dec 2024

Availability: Unavailable

Management action: Other strengths available.

Updated: 05-04-2024

imipramine hydrochloride

TOFRANIL 25 imipramine hydrochloride 25mg tablet blister pack

AUST R: 60673

Expected supply: 31 Dec 2024

Availability: Unavailable

Management action: An unregistered product has been approved for supply under Section 19A. See the website: and search for the active ingredient

Updated: 09-02-2024


quinapril hydrochloride

ACCURETIC 10/12.5 tablet blister pack

AUST R: 81930

Expected supply: 31 Dec 2024

Availability: Unavailable

Updated: 19-04-2024


quinapril hydrochloride

ACCURETIC 20/12.5 tablet blister pack

AUST R: 81931

Expected supply: 31 Dec 2024

Availability: Unavailable

Updated: 19-04-2024


METALYSE tenecteplase (rch) 50mg powder for injection vial plus prefilled syringe

AUST R: 75013

Expected supply: 31 Dec 2024

Availability: Limited Availability

Management action: A TGA web statement is available at The TGA has approved a shelf-life extension of an additional 12 months from the original expiry date on the packaging for Metalyse batches with an original expiry date from January 2022 up to March 2025.
Unregistered alternative products have been approved for supply under Section 19A. For information on supply, contact the approval holders: Pro Pharmaceuticals Group Pty Ltd (Phone: 1300 077 674) or Medsurge Healthcare Pty Ltd (Phone: 1300 788 261).

Updated: 17-08-2023


ACTILYSE alteplase (rch) 50 mg powder for injection vial with diluent vial

AUST R: 17905

Expected supply: 31 Dec 2024

Availability: Limited Availability

Updated: 19-10-2023


ACTILYSE alteplase (rch) 10mg powder for injection vial with water for injections 10mL vial

AUST R: 64240

Expected supply: 31 Dec 2024

Availability: Limited Availability

Updated: 19-10-2023

gemtuzumab ozogamicin

MYLOTARG gemtuzumab ozogamicin 5 mg powder for injection vial

AUST R: 316671

Expected supply: 26 Dec 2022

Availability: Available

Management action: The sponsor is closely controlling the supply and working to expedite the next shipment.

Updated: 03-11-2022

heparin sodium

HEPARIN SODIUM 5000IU/5mL (porcine mucous) injection ampoule

AUST R: 49232

Expected supply: 30 Sep 2024

Availability: Limited Availability

Management action: An unregistered product has been approved for supply under Section 19A. See the website and search for the active ingredient.

Updated: 11-06-2024

Updated: 30-04-2024

piperacillin sodium

tazobactam sodium

TAZOPIP 4 g/0.5 g piperacillin (as sodium) 4 g and tazobactam (as sodium) 0.5 g powder for injection vial

AUST R: 144970

Expected supply: 31 Dec 2024

Availability: Unavailable

Management action: Other brands are available.

Updated: 11-08-2023

Updated: 20-05-2024

Updated: 09-05-2024



PRIMAXIN imipenem 500mg and cilastatin 500mg (as sodium) powder for injection vial

AUST R: 10509

Expected supply: Unknown

Availability: Reduction in supply until supply is exhausted

Management action: An imipenem/cilastatin injection product may be available via the Special Access Scheme (SAS):

Updated: 30-04-2024


DBL Aciclovir 500mg/20mL Intravenous infusion injection vial

AUST R: 56810

Expected supply: 08 Jul 2024

Availability: Available

Updated: 08-07-2024


DBL AMIKACIN 500mg/2mL (as sulfate) injection vial

AUST R: 49945

Expected supply: 25 Jun 2024

Availability: Available

Updated: 25-06-2024


IBIMICYN ampicillin 1g (as sodium) powder for injection vial

AUST R: 92840

Expected supply: Unknown

Availability: Reduction in supply until supply is exhausted

Management action: An unregistered product has been approved for supply under Section 19A. See the website: and search for the active ingredient.

Updated: 27-09-2023


DBL Aciclovir 250mg/10mL Intravenous infusion injection vial

AUST R: 56809

Expected supply: 10 Jan 2025

Availability: Unavailable

Management action: The sponsor is working to expedite the next shipment. An unregistered product has been approved for supply under Section 19A. The approval holder, Pro Pharmaceuticals Group Pty Ltd, can be contacted for details on supply on 1300 077 674.

Updated: 19-05-2024

amikacin sulfate

AMIKACIN WOCKHARDT amikacin (as sulfate) 500mg/2mL solution for injection infusion vial

AUST R: 288798

Expected supply: 31 Dec 2024

Availability: Unavailable

Management action: Alternative generic product is available.

Updated: 30-05-2024


ZARONTIN ethosuximide 250mg capsule bottle

AUST R: 94175

Expected supply: 31 Jan 2025

Availability: Unavailable

Updated: 24-05-2024

morphine sulfate pentahydrate

DBL MORPHINE SULFATE 15mg/1mL injection ampoule

AUST R: 101243

Expected supply: Unknown

Availability: Reduction in supply until supply is exhausted

Management action: Alternative generic products are available and other strengths are available.

Updated: 27-09-2023


RIFADIN rifampicin 300mg capsules blister pack

AUST R: 233443

Expected supply: 30 Apr 2024

Availability: Available

Updated: 30-04-2024


VORICONAZOLE WOCKHARDT voriconazole 200 mg powder for injection vial

AUST R: 267013

Expected supply: 31 Dec 2024

Availability: Unavailable

Management action: Alternative generic products are available

Updated: 28-05-2024

calcium folinate

Pfizer (Australia) LEUCOVORIN CALCIUM folinic acid (as calcium folinate) 100mg/10mL injection USP ampoule

AUST R: 61887

Expected supply: Unknown

Availability: Reduction in supply until supply is exhausted

Management action: Other strengths are available

Updated: 02-02-2024

sodium nitrite

DBL SODIUM NITRITE 0.3g/10mL injection BPC ampoule

AUST R: 16290

Expected supply: Unknown

Availability: Reduction in supply until supply is exhausted

Management action: An alternative brand is available.

Updated: 27-10-2023

Updated: 17-05-2024


RIMYCIN 150 rifampicin 150 mg capsule bottle

AUST R: 48230

Expected supply: 09 Aug 2024

Availability: Unavailable

Management action: An alternative generic product is available.

Updated: 24-07-2024

silver sulfadiazine

FLAMAZINE silver sulfadiazine 1.0% w/w cream jar

AUST R: 159338

Expected supply: 31 Aug 2024

Availability: Unavailable

Updated: 06-05-2024

silver sulfadiazine

FLAMAZINE silver sulfadiazine 1.0% w/w cream tube

AUST R: 159342

Expected supply: 31 Jul 2024

Availability: Unavailable

Updated: 02-05-2024

sodium oxidronate

TECHNESCAN HDP kit for preparation of Technetium [99mTc] oxidronate powder for injection vial

AUST R: 75500

Expected supply: 01 Jul 2024

Availability: Unavailable

Management action: Unregistered products have been approved for supply under Section 19A. See the website and search for the active ingredient.

Updated: 18-07-2024

cerliponase alfa

BRINEURA cerliponase alfa (rch) 150 mg/5 mL solution for injection vial with flushing solution vial

AUST R: 298672

Expected supply: 18 Nov 2024

Availability: Available

Management action: The sponsor is working to expedite the next shipment.

Updated: 14-06-2024


BILTRICIDE Praziquantel 600mg Tablet bottle

AUST R: 18845

Expected supply: Unknown

Availability: Reduction in supply until supply is exhausted

Management action: The sponsor is closely controlling the supply. The TGA is working to develop a management strategy.

Updated: 01-06-2024

isoprenaline hydrochloride

ISOPRENALINE MACURE isoprenaline hydrochloride 1 mg/5 mL solution for injection ampoule

AUST R: 370377

Expected supply: 27 Jun 2025

Availability: Unavailable

Management action: Alternative generic products are available.

Updated: 28-06-2024


GLIADEL WAFER carmustine 7.7mg/implant implant sachet

AUST R: 77283

Expected supply: Unknown

Availability: Reduction in supply until supply is exhausted

Management action: An alternative unapproved product may be available under the Special Access Scheme (SAS). For further information about SAS please see

Updated: 07-03-2024

naloxone hydrochloride dihydrate

NYXOID naloxone hydrochloride dihydrate 2.2 mg/actuation nasal spray vial

AUST R: 309381

Expected supply: 29 Apr 2024

Availability: Available

Updated: 29-04-2024


PARACETAMOL KABI paracetamol 1000mg/100mL solution for injection vial

AUST R: 203624

Expected supply: 02 Sep 2024

Availability: Limited Availability

Management action: Unregistered products have been approved for supply under Section 19A. See the website: and search for the active ingredient.

Updated: 02-05-2024

Updated: 22-07-2024


RIMYCIN 300 rifampicin 300 mg capsule bottle

AUST R: 48231

Expected supply: 26 Jun 2024

Availability: Available

Updated: 26-06-2024

Updated: 17-05-2024


ISONIAZID 100mg tablet bottle

AUST R: 13455

Expected supply: 30 Aug 2024

Availability: Unavailable

Management action: The sponsor is working to expedite the next shipment. An unregistered product has been approved for supply under Section 19A. See the website: and search for the active ingredient.

Updated: 11-06-2024


Pfizer (Australia) DAUNORUBICIN (as hydrochloride) 20mg/10mL injection vial

AUST R: 12723

Expected supply: 17 May 2024

Availability: Available

Updated: 17-05-2024


Pfizer (Australia) GENTAMICIN 80mg/2mL (as sulfate) injection BP ampoule

AUST R: 11376

Expected supply: 31 Mar 2025

Availability: Available

Management action: The sponsor is working to expedite the next shipment. An alternative generic product is available.

Updated: 14-05-2024


EMPAVELI pegcetacoplan 1080 mg/20 mL injection solution vial

AUST R: 346216

Expected supply: 16 May 2024

Availability: Available

Updated: 22-05-2024

dexamethasone sodium phosphate


AUST R: 178774

Expected supply: 31 Dec 2024

Availability: Limited Availability

Management action: Alternative generic products are available.

Updated: 09-07-2024


ACICLOVIR ACCORD aciclovir 250 mg/10 mL injection vial

AUST R: 313546

Expected supply: 01 Oct 2024

Availability: Unavailable

Management action: The sponsor is working to expedite the next shipment. An unregistered product has been approved for supply under Section 19A. The approval holder, Pro Pharmaceuticals Group Pty Ltd, can be contacted for details on supply on 1300 077 674.

Updated: 25-07-2024

warfarin sodium

MAREVAN warfarin sodium 5mg tablet bottle

AUST R: 12514

Expected supply: 17 Jun 2024

Availability: Available

Updated: 18-06-2024

azithromycin dihydrate

ZITHROMAX azithromycin (as dihydrate) 200mg/5mL (when reconstituted) powder for oral suspension bottle

AUST R: 60049

Expected supply: 29 Nov 2024

Availability: Limited Availability

Management action: An unregistered product has been approved for supply under Section 19A. See the website: and search for the active ingredient.

Updated: 31-05-2024

Updated: 13-05-2024

dobutamine hydrochloride

DBL DOBUTAMINE 250mg/20mL (as hydrochloride) injection vial

AUST R: 46451

Expected supply: 16 Jul 2024

Availability: Available

Updated: 17-07-2024

mercaptopurine monohydrate

ALLMERCAP mercaptopurine monohydrate 20mg/mL oral liquid suspension bottle

AUST R: 213881

Expected supply: 17 May 2024

Availability: Available

Updated: 20-05-2024


DBL DIAZOXIDE 300mg/20mL injection BP ampoule

AUST R: 16377

Expected supply: 10 Jul 2024

Availability: Available

Updated: 10-07-2024

cefepime hydrochloride monohydrate

CEFEPIME KABI cefepime (as hydrochloride) 2 g powder for injection vial

AUST R: 227965

Expected supply: 31 Dec 2024

Availability: Available

Management action: An alternative brand is available.

Updated: 25-07-2024

calcium folinate

Pfizer (Australia) LEUCOVORIN CALCIUM folinic acid (as calcium folinate) 50mg/5mL injection USP ampoule

AUST R: 61885

Expected supply: Unknown

Availability: Unavailable

Management action: Alternative generic products are available

Updated: 09-05-2024

ganciclovir sodium

CYMEVENE ganciclovir 500mg (as sodium) powder for injection vial

AUST R: 10047

Expected supply: 04 Jul 2024

Availability: Available

Updated: 08-07-2024

Updated: 29-05-2024

enoxaparin sodium

CLEXANE enoxaparin sodium 60mg/0.6mL injection syringe with automatic safety lock system

AUST R: 221719

Expected supply: 12 Jun 2024

Availability: Available

Updated: 12-06-2024


VESANOID tretinoin 10mg capsules bottle

AUST R: 53160

Expected supply: 17 Jun 2024

Availability: Available

Updated: 17-06-2024


prilocaine hydrochloride

3% CITANEST DENTAL WITH OCTAPRESSIN 2.2mL injection cartridge

AUST R: 220320

Expected supply: 16 Aug 2024

Availability: Unavailable

Management action: The sponsor is closely controlling the supply.

Updated: 20-06-2024

noradrenaline (norepinephrine) acid tartrate monohydrate

Levophed 1:1000 noradrenaline (norepinephrine) 4mg / 4mL Concentrate for IV Injection vial

AUST R: 183622

Expected supply: Unknown

Availability: Reduction in supply until supply is exhausted

Management action: Alternative generic products are available.

Updated: 23-05-2024

calcium folinate

DBL LEUCOVORIN CALCIUM folinic acid 300 mg/30 mL (as calcium folinate) injection vial

AUST R: 116688

Expected supply: 13 Sep 2024

Availability: Available

Management action: The sponsor is closely controlling the supply and working to expedite the next shipment.

Updated: 09-07-2024

aciclovir sodium dihydrate

ACICLOVIR VIATRIS aciclovir (as sodium) 250 mg powder for injection vial

AUST R: 233649

Expected supply: 09 Jul 2024

Availability: Available

Updated: 09-07-2024

Coxiella burnetii

Q-VAX Q FEVER VACCINE 0.5mL injection syringe

AUST R: 100517

Expected supply: 31 Jul 2024

Availability: Limited Availability

Management action: The sponsor is closely controlling the supply.

Updated: 04-06-2024

Coxiella burnetii

Q-VAX SKIN TEST (Inactivated C. burnetii for Pre-Q-Vax Vaccination Screening) injection vial

AUST R: 100518

Expected supply: 31 Jul 2024

Availability: Limited Availability

Management action: The sponsor is closely controlling the supply

Updated: 04-06-2024


TOMUDEX raltitrexed 2mg powder for injection vial

AUST R: 54638

Expected supply: 30 Aug 2024

Availability: Limited Availability

Management action: The sponsor is closely controlling the supply.

Updated: 08-07-2024


JEMPERLI dostarlimab 500 mg concentrate for solution for infusion 10 mL vial

AUST R: 352631

Expected supply: 30 Aug 2024

Availability: Limited Availability

Management action: Sponsor is working to expedite the next shipment. An unregistered product has been approved for supply under Section 19A. See the website and search for the active ingredient.

Updated: 18-07-2024

aciclovir sodium dihydrate

ACICLOVIR VIATRIS aciclovir (as sodium) 500 mg powder for injection vial

AUST R: 233648

Expected supply: 09 Jul 2024

Availability: Available

Updated: 09-07-2024

hydrocortisone sodium succinate

SOLU-CORTEF ACT-O-VIAL hydrocortisone (as sodium succinate) 100mg powder for injection and diluent in dual-chamber vial

AUST R: 167893

Expected supply: 04 Oct 2024

Availability: Limited Availability

Management action: The sponsor is closely controlling the supply.

Updated: 24-07-2024


METHOBLASTIN methotrexate 10mg tablet bottle

AUST R: 15417

Expected supply: Unknown

Availability: Reduction in supply until supply is exhausted

Management action: Product will be replaced by METHOBLASTIN methotrexate (as sodium) 10 mg tablet blister pack ARTG 410933.

Updated: 18-06-2024


MIOSTAT carbachol 0.15mg/1.5mL intraocular injection vial

AUST R: 40624

Expected supply: 15 Jul 2024

Availability: Unavailable

Management action: Sponsor is working to expedite the next shipment.

Updated: 21-06-2024

hydrocortisone sodium succinate

SOLU-CORTEF ACT-O-VIAL hydrocortisone (as sodium succinate) 250mg powder for injection and diluent dual-chamber vial

AUST R: 167894

Expected supply: 04 Oct 2024

Availability: Limited Availability

Management action: The sponsor is closely controlling the supply.

Updated: 25-07-2024

adrenaline (epinephrine) acid tartrate

ADRENALINE AGUETTANT 1:10,000 adrenaline (epinephrine) (as acid tartrate) 1 mg/10 mL solution for injection prefilled syringe

AUST R: 282377

Expected supply: 15 Aug 2024

Availability: Unavailable

Management action: Alternative generic products are available.

Updated: 18-07-2024


KONAKION MM PAEDIATRIC phytomenadione 2 mg/0.2 mL injection ampoule

AUST R: 71758

Expected supply: 16 Aug 2024

Availability: Limited Availability

Management action: The sponsor is working to expedite the next shipment and closely controlling the supply.
An unregistered product has been approved for supply under Section 19A. The approval holder, ORSPEC Pharma Pty Ltd​, can be contacted for details on supply on 02 4339 4239.

Updated: 18-07-2024

Choriogonadotropin alfa

OVIDREL choriogonadotropin alfa (rch) 250 microgram/ 0.5mL solution for injection pre-filled pen

AUST R: 170446

Expected supply: 30 Jun 2025

Availability: Limited Availability

Management action: The sponsor is closely controlling the supply.

Updated: 25-07-2024

bosentan monohydrate

BOSENTAN RBX bosentan (as monohydrate) 62.5 mg film-coated tablet blister pack

AUST R: 257757

Expected supply: 16 Aug 2024

Availability: Unavailable

Management action: Alternative generic product is available.

Updated: 01-07-2024

adrenaline (epinephrine)

ANAPEN JUNIOR 150 adrenaline (epinephrine) 150 micrograms/0.3 mL solution for injection pre-filled syringe (auto-injector)

AUST R: 337517

Expected supply: Unknown

Availability: Reduction in supply until supply is exhausted

Management action: Alternative generic product is available.

Updated: 12-07-2024

adrenaline (epinephrine)

ANAPEN 300 adrenaline (epinephrine) 300 micrograms/0.3 mL solution for injection pre-filled syringe (auto-injector)

AUST R: 337512

Expected supply: Unknown

Availability: Reduction in supply until supply is exhausted

Management action: Alternative generic product is available.

Updated: 12-07-2024

calcium chloride dihydrate


magnesium chloride hexahydrate

sodium chloride

sodium lactate

EXTRANEAL 7.5% w/v icodextrin peritoneal dialysis solution bag AHB5546

AUST R: 91344

Expected supply: 30 Jun 2025

Availability: Limited Availability

Management action: The sponsor is closely controlling the supply.

Updated: 17-07-2024

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